Your custom stencil

historical figures     artists    


Mexican painter known for vibrant and surrealist self-portraits. Kahlo's art was heavily influenced by her personal experiences, including a bus accident in her youth that left her with lifelong injuries and chronic pain.

from $ 41 + shipping

Get the Layer Breakdown

The layer breakdown shows you what the stencils look like that would produce the color-separated image you see above.
The preview is free.

Example of bridged stencil file appearance

We'll send email that your bridged stencil is ready in about 3 minutes.

Upload Photo

your image
Choose Image

Pick an image and crop it as closely as you can.

We'll send your stencilized image to this email in about 2 minutes.

By uploading, you agree to the terms and conditions.

Cut it yourself

$ 2

Create your own

to get 9 stencil options back in about two minutes.

Upload an Image


Missing something? Check your email for links.

Tip #9:
Straight from the phone
Use your phone to capture an image that you like. You can browse straight to this site on your phone, and upload the image directly from there. Receive the email on your phone, and post the resulting image directly to Facebook without ever sitting down at your desktop or laptop.
All tips