Your custom stencil



Remy is an ambitious Paris rat with a passion for cooking (and tasting), who secretly cooks for an inexperienced young chef. Disney stencil.

from $ 49 + shipping

Get the Layer Breakdown

The layer breakdown shows you what the stencils look like that would produce the color-separated image you see above.
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Example of bridged stencil file appearance

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We'll send your stencilized image to this email in about 2 minutes.

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Cut it yourself

$ 2

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Tip #11:
Better than vinyl for signs
Vinyl signs are expensive, and the second one costs almost as much as the first! With a stencil you can design once and reproduce (and repair) your signs as often as you like. Spray paint comes in many more colors than vinyl, and with a stencil you can use more than one color per layer, if you like.
All tips