Oak Tree Stencil



Oak tree stencil with branches and leaves showing in artful pattern. Green and black on white background. For an oak tree in autumn, just paint the green stencil with a combination of yellow and red.

from $ 25 + shipping

Bridged Layers

The bridged layers are specially made so that they won't fall apart or lose 'islands' when you cut them.

Layer 1


Layer 2


Layer 3


Using the Stencils

Cut out and paint your three-layer stencil of Oak Tree. Decide whether you will use the natural surface color as one of your layers. For example, if your surface color is close to the color  snow , then you may choose to omit the first layer since the surface has this color already. Download the free cut files to cut this stencil of Oak Tree yourself. Or upload your own image to turn it into a stencil.

Upload Photo

your image
Choose Image

Pick an image and crop it as closely as you can.

We'll send your stencilized image to this email in about 2 minutes.

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Cut it yourself


Create your own

to get 9 stencil options back in about two minutes.

Upload an Image


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Tip #10:
Great for business
Upload your business logo and use it anywhere. A stencil is a great way to mark and brand irregular sized packages that go out to customers. They also work great for marking company property in a personalized way. Request custom sizes to meet all your marking needs.
All tips