Angela Merkel Stencil



Angela Merkel is a German politician who served as the Chancellor of Germany from 2005 to 2021. She is one of the most influential and longest-serving leaders in Europe.

from $ 30 + shipping

Bridged Layers

The bridged layers are specially made so that they won't fall apart or lose 'islands' when you cut them.

Layer 1


Layer 2


Layer 3


Layer 4


Using the Stencils

Cut out and paint your four-layer stencil of Angela Merkel. Decide whether you will use the natural surface color as one of your layers. For example, if your surface color is close to the color  whitesmoke , then you may choose to omit the first layer since the surface has this color already. Download the free cut files to cut this stencil of Angela Merkel yourself. Or upload your own image to turn it into a stencil.

Upload Photo

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Pick an image and crop it as closely as you can.

We'll send your stencilized image to this email in about 3 minutes.

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Cut it yourself


Create your own

to get 9 stencil options back in about two minutes.

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Tip #6:
Good luck getting Simba to sit still for a perfect shot--but once you get it--make the most of it. If your pet's face is dark, make sure you get good light from the front, with a neutral, uncomplicated background. Pets make great stencils.
All tips