Your custom stencil



Daisies have a yellow central disc surrounded by delicate white (sometimes pink) petals. The daisy flower in this floral stencil is a symbol of innocence, purity, and new beginnings. Daisy stencil

from $ 41 + shipping

Get the Layer Breakdown

The layer breakdown shows you what the stencils look like that would produce the color-separated image you see above.
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Example of bridged stencil file appearance

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Pick an image and crop it as closely as you can.

We'll send your stencilized image to this email in about 2 minutes.

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Cut it yourself

$ 2

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to get 9 stencil options back in about two minutes.

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Tip #13:
Made for Craft Cutters
Whether you have a Cricut or a Silhouette, you can cut these SVGs. Turn any image into a stencil and cut it yourself on any craft cutter that supports SVG. Just upload the appropriate file for each layer, cut from standard card stock, and paint wherever you like.
All tips