Stencils of Famous Landmarks

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Stencils of landmarks can capture the site and terrain of the landmark, or just the structure itself.

A landmark refers to a prominent or easily recognizable feature that serves as a point of reference or a significant symbol of a particular place. Buildings and statues and carved monuments make great stencils because they are immediately available to the eye. They look great when reproduced at large scale, so be economical with the number of layers you choose. Landmarks can also be natural, such as mountains, rivers, or rock formations that have cultural or historical significance.

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Tip #18:
Your logo on a latte
Steamed milk makes a great surface to stencil a logo or simple image on. It's like clipart for coffee. Any simple two-tone color separation will work. Your steamed milk is the white surface, so you just use the dark stencil layer to sprinkle the cocoa or cinnamon onto the surface, and you're done.